As a zoologist or an animal lover the first thing that comes to our brains when we hear the word "stripe" is the Tiger.
The fascinating black stripes are so well drawn on its orange coat!!
But do we actually know Why do tigers have stripes?
The answer that we all know: Camouflage!
But honestly with a human eye is not difficult to spot one,
In an article published by Dr.Andrew Cushing a zoological veterinarian, he wrote about the "Green Tigers". Since tigers are apex predators at the top of the food chain, they don't have to hide for safety. They are carnivores and rely on stealth to hunt successfully.

A Bengal tiger camouflaged among trees and foliage in India’s Kanha National Park. Kailash Kumbhkar/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY
Now coming back to the claim of the tiger being green it was explained that the human eye can process red, green, and blue, so to us, a tiger looks orange. Whereas a deer can only process green and blue, which makes them colorblind (left). Deers and other hoofed animals cant see the full range of colors, it helps them see better in dim lights, but also makes them vulnerable. To their eyes, the tiger's fur doesn't appear to be bright orange, rather looks green matches the background, and thus CAMOUFLAGE!!!
Apart from this the markings on the tiger also play an important role. The vertical stripes, which range from brown to black, are an example of what biologists call disruptive coloration. They help break up the cat's shape and size so it blends well with the trees and tall grasses.
The stripes even vary among the six Tiger subspecies, Yes! there are 6 subspecies of tigers, can you name all of them? Put it up in the comments below.
the Sumatran tiger subspecies have much narrower stripes than the others and have more of them. this helps it stay hidden in the dense jungle home.
One fact we all know about stripes is that they are as UNIQUE AS A FINGERPRINT.
When you look at different Tigers up close, you’ll see that each of their stripe patterns is unique, just like a Zebra’s. No two are the same. They’re as distinct as human fingerprints.

Every tiger has its unique stripe pattern – and they aren’t the same on both sides!Mathias Appel/Wikimedia Commons
This allows researchers to count and identify individual Tigers, they also use camera traps to capture pictures of animals when they happen to pass by. Using this method, it is estimated that only about 3,400 wild Tigers remain across Asian boundaries.
So if this is how the orange coat theory aids in camouflage then what about the white Tigers??? Why are some of them white? Don't they stand out in the jungle, even with having stripes on?
Yes, they do!
Because we’ve seen them on TV or in wildlife tourist attractions, we may think they’re common, but they’re not.
A genetic mutation in Bengal Tigers gives them their milky white fur. Both parents must carry the same very rare gene to produce white cubs. White tigers are bred to relatives in captivity to attract tourists — and inbreeding produces unhealthy offspring.

The white tiger’s snowy coat is caused by a rare genetic mutation. No white tigers remain in the wild: In captivity, roadside zoos breed related tigers, producing these beautiful but sickly animals to attract tourists.Basile Morin/Wikimedia, CC BY
Factually, There were never more than a few white Tigers in the wild, the 0ne last spotted was about 60 years ago, I remember seeing one at the Mysore Zoo (not wild),
A white and black Tiger, in general, is easier to spot than an orange Tiger, so it would have obvious problems in hunting down its prey.
Their distinctive striped coats of theirs help them hunt successfully, but are also one of the reasons for their depletion to a range that they are endangered.
they are killed by poachers for their beautiful pelts, fetching them high prices in the illegal international wildlife trade, mostly in Asia. Many organizations and conservation groups are working toward protecting these beautiful beasts, who are the largest of the big cats.
Coming to the end of the read, hope there was something new that hit you up this time. Lets just be curious enough to shoot questions and ill try my best to get back to you all about it.
Also tell me what do want to read about next!
Very good information Sabhahat, all the best for all your endeavour s.