The markhor scientifically called Capra falconeri is a large goat species originally from Central Asia, the Himalayas, and the Karakoram.
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
Class- Mammalia
Order- Artiodactyla
Family- Bovidae
Subfamily- Caprinae
Tribe- Caprini
Genus- Capra
Species- C.falconeri
Nearly threatened (IUCN Red List) since 2015
The Markhor is a unique species of goat dwelling in the mountains of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan & Uzbekistan.

they inhabit the upper elevations, having vegetation as their primary food source. They are adapted to mountainous terrain and can be found between 600 and 3600m in elevation.
They typically inhabit the scrub forests that are made up of mostly oaks, pines, and junipers.
it is now experiencing fastened habitat loss, overhunting for meat and trophies, and competition from livestock being the main cause behind its decline

The Markhor stands to about 95-102cm (37-40inches) at the shoulder and has long corkscrew-shaped horns (up to 160cm [63inches]). Horns are borne by both sexes, but males have them larger and heavier, longer and more spiraled.
weight- 32kg-110kg.
It has a reddish-brown coat in summer which turns gray, long and silky in winter.
the male markhor has a long, heavy fringe on its throat as well as on its chest.

Markhors are diurinal; mainly active during mornings and late afternoons.
they live in flocks usually having 9 animals, composed of adult females and they're young. Males are largely solitary.
Diets:- Seasonal; In summer they graze, in winter they turn to browse.
Mating season- Winter, males fight each other by lunging, locking horns, and trying to push each other off balance.
gestation period- 135-170 days.
Offsprings - 1 or 2 in number. rarely 3.
Golden eagles
Eurasian Lynx.
Snow leopard.
Himalayan Wolves.
Brown bear.
Speed- 10mph
Less than 2,500 left in wild.
They are also one of the SSP (Species Survival Plan) animals
They are the largest of the Goat Family.
Pakistans National Animal- Due to beings most plentiful in Pakistan, they have named the markhor as their national animal, In 2018 Pakistan International Airlines decided to use their image on the tail of every plan as a new branding of their logo.
They smell really bad, one of the smelliest goat breeds, especially the males. (LOL)
Hoping that one was a great read. Feel free to let me know in the comments if you had ever heard about Markhors' before.
And also do you know what the woord "Markhro" means?? Let me know in the comments,
Have a great week !!
For Markhor and other animal wallpapers visit
Interesting...heard for the first time😁