Nothing compares to the experience of seeing animals in their natural habitats, from lions stalking their prey on the African savannah to orangutans swinging through trees in a tropical rain forest. The walk of the animals, the fights for power, and indulgence in their families are what make these animals worth watching.
Every animal out there in the wild has its own aura and majestic presence; down here, I have listed for you 5 of the animals you shouldn't miss watching in the wilderness
let's hop in !!!
The Lone Hunter: Bengal Tiger
Habitat: India, Nepal, and China Population: 2,500 worldwide Average size: 10 feet long; 550 pounds
The stealthy and powerful Bengal tiger has a history of being both feared and revered by local populations across South Asia. In Hindu mythology, the goddess Durga is often depicted riding a tiger, while tigers represent royalty in the Chinese tradition. Naga tribes in Myanmar and India believe that men and tigers are brothers, a departure from the tiger’s fearsome reputation as a “man-eater.” The Bengal tiger has a distinctive striped coat—and no two tigers have the same stripes. When a tiger roars, it can be heard from as far as two miles away.

The Gentle Giant: Mountain Gorilla
Habitat: Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda Population: About 900 Average life span: 35 years
In much of the western world, mountain gorillas were once thought to be mythical creatures, like Bigfoot, until the early twentieth century. In 1902, German explorer and Army Captain Robert von Beringia encountered the mountain gorilla in the Virunga Mountains and helped establish this large ape as a separate subspecies of the gorilla. The mountain gorilla’s Latin classification—gorilla gorilla beringei—honors Robert von Beringe’s discovery.

The Singer-Songwriter of the Seas: Humpback Whale
Habitat: Earth’s oceans Population: 30,000 to 40,000 Average life span: Up to 80 years Average size: 50 feet (about as long as a school bus)
Whales have captured the imagination of humans since ancient times. The Chinese believed a deity ruled the seas with the body of a whale and the hands and feet of a human. Great whales are also specifically mentioned in the King James Bible’s Book of Genesis as one of the first sea creatures created by God. Humpback whales are one of the largest species of whales, renowned for their acrobatic performances in the water and their unusual songs. Scientists have discovered that male humpback whales sing long, complex “songs” that can 10 to 20 minutes. Humpback whales sing in various “dialects” because the songs are unique to the part of the world where the whales live.

The Person of the Forest: Orangutan
Habitat: Borneo and Sumatra Population: Estimated 50,000 to 60,000 Average life span: 30 to 40 years
In Indonesia, legend has it that orangutans can speak but chose to become silent after human beings entered the forest. Orangutans supposedly feared that humans would enslave them if they found out the forest dwellers could speak. These long-armed, intelligent primates are close relatives of humans, sharing 97 percent of the same DNA, and the word orangutan means "people of the forest" in the local Malay language. Orangutans have an enormous arm span—up to 7 or 8 feet—allowing them to swing with ease between treetops. When it rains, orangutans often fashion umbrellas from leaves to keep themselves dry.

The King of the Jungle: Lion
Habitat: Sub-Saharan Africa and Western India Population: 25,000 to 30,000 worldwide Average Life Span: 12 to 16 years
Celebrated worldwide for their fierceness and strength, lions are often referred to as the “king of the jungle” and, thus, associated with royalty. The official emblem of India features a pillar with four lions standing back to back, a symbol first adopted by Emperor Ashoka in 250 B.C. In other parts of Asia, lion statues act as guardians to Buddhist temples and the Forbidden City in Beijing. Lions live in groups known as pride. Female lions do most of the hunting for the pride and work in teams to bring down their prey, while male lions are responsible for defending the group’s territory.

Well, family is everything!! with it, the impossible is also absolutely possible!
scroll down to watch how a pride of 5 young lions take down a Giraffe!!!
Don't believe me?? Just watch!!!
There you go!
that is it for this week. See you all next Sunday with hopefully something more exciting.
If you guys want me to write a detailed blog on any of the above-mentioned animals or any other animal you want to know about, please let me know!
Write to me on my mention E-mail.
Have a good week ahead,