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10 Animal Facts That Will Change Your View about the Animal Kingdom

Writer's picture: Sabahat  KhushnumaSabahat Khushnuma

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Yes!! this is going to amaze you.

Let's start with man's best friend.

1. Dogs have way fewer taste buds than humans.

While you may think that Tommy, Bruno, and Pluto of course

have the same dinnertime experience as you do, the truth is

that he actually got a much different taste bud alignments.

Humans have about 9,000 taste buds, whereas dogs have

only around 1,700. And while they can identify the same four

taste sensations as humans, dogs are not fond of salt.

Now that we talked about Tommy, how can we leave Tom behind!!

2. Adult cats only meow at humans.

You probably know that cats love to talk to their humans. But did you know you're unlikely to see your feline friend interact the same way with another cat? That's because other than kittens meowing at their mothers, cats don't meow at other cats.

Now let's go BIG.

3. Elephants and humans have similar self-soothing techniques.

Elephant calves suck

their trunks to comfort themselves. The babies do it for the exact same reason as human babies, it mimics the action

of suckling their mothers.

Isn't that adorable!!

Do you think that only humans have individual names?

4. Dolphins have names for one another.

It's a universally known fact that dolphins

are smart. But did you know that they even

have other own names? Yes, they have

Individual names.

No, they don't have names like Kiran, Jade, or Lucy, A study published

in PNAS (2013) found that bottlenose dolphins

develop specific whistles for one another.

Do you have a BFF (Best friend forever, for life)? But I'm certain these Lil devils make friends for life.

We are talking about the baby Tasmanian devils!

5. Baby Tasmanian devils make life-long friendships.

If you have best friends who have been around since you were a kid, then you have something in common with Tasmanian devils (if you don't, it's still okay!)

Research has shown that the Tasmanian devils form bonds when they are young that last a lifetime. As Zoos Victoria's Marissa Parrot told IFL Science, "In the wild when baby devils leave their mums, we believe they all socialize together". As the website also notes "young devils have their own dens, where they also engage in friendly sleep-overs," and when given chance, they prefer to share everything with their original friends...

Do you also have friends as such? let me know in the comments below.

Any idea about which is the most hard-working gender in the wild?

6. Female lions do 90 percent of the hunting.

While male lions attract their fair share of attention, thanks to their impressive mane, it's the female lions who do the bulk of the work when it comes to feeding their pride (family). "Lionesses, not male lions, do the majority of hunting for their pride. Lionesses hunt around 90% of the time" according to CBS News. Of course, males, mate and protect their pride, mark boundaries.

7. Koala fingerprints are so close to humans' that they could taint crime scenes.

Koalas might not seem to have a lot in common with us, but if you were to take a close look at their hands, you would see that they have fingerprints that are just like humans. In fact, they are so similar when it comes to the distinctive loops and arches, that in Australia, police feared that criminal investigations may have been hampered by Koala prints, No jokes here believe it or not!.

Any koalas out there who want to commit crimes would be wise to do so wearing gloves! JK..

With an estimated 7.77 million species of animals on the planet, the animal kingdom is an undeniably diverse place. But while the breadth of earthly biodiversity may be well known, the incredible things our animal counterparts can do are often hidden to humans. From furry creatures, you never realized kissed !!

8. Prairie dogs kiss.

Prairie dogs are quirky creatures for a

a number of reasons:

They're giant rodents, they dig massive

interconnected underground homes and they kiss. While they're actually

they seem to be sweetly sharing a smooch, the BBC explains that scientists believe prairie dogs "'kiss and cuddle' more when

they are being watched by zoo visitors," because they "appeared

to enjoy the attention."

I bet you didn't know this.

9. Slow lorises are the only venomous primates.

They may be cute, but their bite can kill. According to Popular Science, these adorable animals secrete toxins from a gland in the crook of their inner arms. Their bites have caused anaphylactic shock and even death in humans. Better watch out!

Lastly. are you good at math? if not then you better book a class with the Pigeons out there

10. Pigeons can do the math.

You might assume pigeons as not so smart. But it apparently turns out that they are actually quite intelligent. In fact, one of the studies published (2011) in the journal Science, found that the birds are capable of doing math at the same level as monkeys. During the study, the pigeons were asked to compare nine images, each of them having different numbers of objects. the researchers found that the birds were able to rank the images in order of how many objects they showed. In a layman's language, the birds can count!!

That is it for this week!! hope this was a fun and interesting read..

Have a great week!!



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